Donation Possibilities

Hi! Thanks for reading.
So the prayers and hope have gotten us through the past three years and we’re on track to have an actual Transplant Surgery Monday, August 13.
We believe that we are part of a community – a family – of people God has put in our lives with purpose. We go through this new phase with your love and support, and we are grateful and blessed by you.
It’s a big process – bigger than we ever knew before – and we could use Help.
Here is what we need:

* prayers in whatever form you desire: for our donor, for health for her and (relative) health for Mike through the surgery, for the surgeons, anaethesiologists, nurses, and all caregivers of every kind at University of Cincinnati medical center. For all the travel needs of all those traveling to donate, to support, or to help in any way. For those who favor saintly intercession, St. Marina “Great Martyr and Vanquisher of Demons” is the Patron Saint of Kidneys.

*Marriott Rewards Points. For the first night before surgery, we will be staying at the Marriott next to the hospital. Plans are still underway, but we expect our donor will stay there too, as well as some of our support help. If you are a traveller with points to spare, and you’d like to help with the cost of a room, that would be a big help. Learn more here: Share Your Points

*Meals. If you live near us and would like to help with meals while Mike is in recovery, that would be great! We will need help about a week and half/ two weeks after surgery.

* Travel. Help funding our donor’s airfare. Our donor is flying in from NJ. If you would like to contribute to her airfare and/or expenses, that is great.

*Cleaning. When Christine had surgery some of you kindly helped by paying for us to get cleaners in a few times in those months. This is still a need, since the house has to be kept *very* clean, and Christine will be working and doing all the things for two months.

*Visits. Even Virtual Visits. Once Mike is back home it would be great to see some friends & family, get phone calls, texts, cards from kids & niece/nephews, etc.
Because Mike will be immunocompromised it is Especially important for the first six months that he is not exposed to anyone who is sick,babies too young to be vaccinated fully, children who have been recently vaccinated (with live vaccines) and anyone young or old who has not been vaccinated. Thanks for understanding that this is a life & death matter.

*Potential Mike-sitters 🙂 Christine is on campus M/W from 430-7 this semester. We may need someone to sit with Mike (or be in the house) for a couple of those earlier days.

Thank you for being there for us. Please feel free to pass this on to anyone who’d like to pray, know, or assist.